NA, RRB 4/23/1864

Transpt Dept CSA
Florence SC April 23/64
Liet Col F W Sims
Chief of Rail Road Bureau
Richmond Va
   On the 11th inst I received from Charleston 922 Sacks meal for Capt McKinney of Wilmington NC. I have ?? Telegraphed to Wilmington for transportation {on the Wilmington & Manchester RR}, but as yet without avail. This meal is in the Rail Road depot and is being cut by the Rats, and if not removed soon it will be worthless.
I am Col
Yours Very Respt
A P Grice
Transpt Agt CSA
{on back of document}
Wilmington April 30
It is impossible for this road to do everything possible gains nothing by complaints of this kind. They only tend to annoy me when I am doing for the Government all I can
Henry Drane
Gen Supt
Respectfully referred to Lieut Col F W Sims, whose attention is called to the spirit of the endorsement of Mr. H M Drane Supt of the W&M RRoad
A P Grice
Transpt Agt
Florence SC May 2/64
