NA, RRB 2/5/1864

On or about the 5th day of Feby, 1864 the following property of the Confederate States was abandoned for want of transportation; the enemy at that time was advancing rapidly through the state of Mississippi and said property was necessarily abandoned viz, (14) Fourteen Pole Axes, (16) Sixteen Shovels & Spades, (2) Two Skillets, (2) Two Iron Straighteners {for getting the bars moved into the exact place desired, not for straightening bent bars}, (1) One Broad Axe & (1) Bridle. One Horse was lost in the retreat from Jackson Miss about the 6th of Feby 1864 by falling through a bridge & so disabling himself as to be unable to travel. The above named property was in my charge as agent for Commissioners for Collection & Distribution of iron and every possible exertion was made to prevent said loss.

D H Kenney
Sworn to and subscribed before me at Demopolis Ala on the 11th day of October 1864
Geo. G. Lyon
Commissioner of the Confederate States
