NA, RRB 2/13/1865

Feby 13th 1865
T. J. Sumner Esq
Eng & Supt.   {North Carolina RR}
Company Shops N. C.
Dear Sir,
   We intend reconstructing govt station, at Charlotte on the same ground before occupied, but a better arrangement of turnouts is desirable. What we want is your track on one side and the C & SC RR {Charlotte & South Carolina RR} track on the other, and I desire to lease your eastern track to convert it into a five foot guage. If you grant this a narrow guage track can be run east of our building without any heavy work, whilst if you decline it, your track will remain where it is and we will have to construct a connection from the Columbia road to some east of our building, which will cause some heavy trestling across a ravine.
   Trusting that I have made myself understood and asking an early reply.
Very respy
F W Sims
Lt Col & Q. M.
