NA, RRB 2/11/1864

{Entire document is very faint and hard to read. The numbers on the left of each signature for each telegram are the number of words, the charge and the note that it was paid; Quartermasters had to report these numbers on their quarterly reports. Since this document appears hastily written and minus some dates, but with the data to confirm the costs of the telegrams, I am assuming that this was part of Hottel's personal papers and it had been used in preparing a quarterly report.}
Mobile Feb 11th 1864
Major J. M. Hottel 
   I had trouble with Maj Thomas today about my papers. He says that I should have a new detachment. I was taken two years ago from the ?st Ala Reg Co E commanded by Col Anderson for service near this city. please act on this immediately.
48/11.76   Pd          J Goodwin
Maj J M Hottel, Montgy        Atlanta Feb 22d 1864
   Send a Surgeon's certificate of ??? of the  ??? you wish detached to Col. M. McMichlen, Dalton. He will attend to the matter. Get your order about the cars from Maj Sims.
31/5.00 Pd               J Goodwin
Maj F W Sims, Richmond
   Twenty five foreign cars from the Southern {(of Mississippi)} Road now at Mobile. Do you want them crossed. what you will do about the Mobile & Ohio stock. It is all at Mobile.
33/6.08 Pd                         J M Hottel, Maj & QM in charge of Trans
W. T. Harrison      Get an order from Sam Powers and go down the road and get cars for Danville Road.  {Richmond & Danville RR and Piedmont RR}
17/2.00 Pd                      J M Hottel
                                       Maj & QM
                                       in chg Trans
{A W. T. Harrison had been a printer of Confederate forms in Columbia, Tn. in 1863. He may have headed south when the Union army captured Columbia and was doing jobs for Hottel.}
