NA, RRB 1/4C/1864

Confederate States of America
Quarter Master General's Department
Rail Road Bureau Richmond Jan 4th 1864
Mr. W. J. Magrath {President, South Carolina RR}
Dear Sir,
   Your letter and telegram of Dec 19th have not recd earlier answer from my absence, and sickness since my return.
   Col. Garrnett declines to give an order for any more of the iron on the {Atlantic &} Gulf road until he can consult with Major Minor Meriwether as to other engagements concerning it. This Gentleman will be in Savannah in a few days and if you could arrange to have some one from your road see him, your desires might be accomplished.
   Should you fail in this please advise me and I will make an effort in some other direction.
Very respy
Yr obt Svt
F. W. Sims
Maj. & Q. M.
{on back of document}
Office Chief Qur Mr
Charleston S. C.
8th Jany 1864
Respectfully referred to Head Quarters, and suggest that some one from the Road be requested to meet Mjr Minor Meriwether in Savannah, to report, and earnestly beg that this may be forwarded with a view to have the Road supplied with the Iron they need, to keep them from completely running down, for without assistance the Road will be useless by the 1st July
for Chief QMr
H. Q. Dept SC Ala & Fla
Charleston Jany 12, 1864
Respectfully forwarded to the War Department to be considered in connection with the letter of W S Magrath Esq Prest forwarded on the 6th inst
G. T. Beauregard
Genl Comdg
Respy submitted to the Sec of War to whom the letter referred to was submitted Jan 12/64
H. L. Clay
Jan 25/64
