NA, RRB 1/23K/1865

Piedmont Rail Road
Superintendent's Office
Danville Jan 23rd 1865
Lieut Col F. W. Sims
Chief R. R. Bureau
   I would respectfully ask for the detail of the following named persons --
Joseph T Benton -- Company E 13th Regiment North Carolina troops until recently exempt in consequence of general bad health and defective eyes.
Wm B Molty -- Company D 5th Regiment North Carolina Cavalry Barringtons Brigade
Wm Miles Company D 5th Regiment North Carolina Cavalry Barringtons Brigade
each of these men enter into contract with the Company to deliver on the road 200 cords of wood per month. They own good land on the line of the road and are men of sufficient means to fulfill their respective contracts should they fail at any time to comply they will be at once reported for duty to the proper officer, the importance of having these details becomes more apparent every day. I only had 20 cords of wood on the road yesterday between Danville and Reidsville a distance of 24 miles and about 50 cords between Reidsville and Greensboro.
I Have the honor
to be your Obedient Servant
Thos Dodamead
{on back of document}
Richmond 28 Jany
Respectfully forwarded and approved to the Qr Mr General the service of these men being indispensable
W G Gray
Capt & AQM
QMGO Jan 30 1865
Respectfully referred to Hon Secy of War. I join in the certificate and request the details
A R Lawton
Detail as named by Certificate of QMG
31 Jany 65
