NA, QM 7/4A/1864

Quartermaster General's Department
July 4th 1864
{no addressee noted in the QM copy book}
   As soon as the Petersburg R. R. is repaired sufficiently to pass trains over it, you are instructed to move freight from Weldon to Petersburg with the utmost dispatch; & for that purpose if you think that more trains than belong to the Petersburg Company can be used advantageously you are authorized to require them of the Raleigh, Gaston, Seaboard & Roanoke R. Roads.
   So long as the Petersburg R. R. can be used it is of the utmost consequence to forward over it to Petersburg the greatest amount of Government freight. If for any cause transportation should be again closed on the Petersburg R. R. you will arrange that it should continue from Wilmington via Goldsboro to Danville, taking care however to preserve an accumulation at Weldon sufficient to employ the capacity of the Petersburg road should opportunities occur of wending it available. To enable you to carry out these instructions you are instructed to confer with the Superintendents of the road between Richmond & Wilmington via Danville & you are authorized to exercise such control of the movements of trains as may appear to you after consultation with them & careful reflection on your part what will best forward the interests of the Government. Especially after the Danville road is ??? every interest must give way to that of the speediest transportation of Government freight & passenger trains must be stopped if the movement of freight is aided by so doing. You are also instructed to require of the Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Company such trains as may be used advantageously on the N. Carolina & Piedmont R. R.
A. R. Lawton, Q. M. G.
