NA, QM 6/9/1863

Quartermaster General's Department
Richmond, June 9th 1863
Wm T. Joynes Esqr
Pres. of Petersburg RR Co
Petersburg Va
   I have carefully considered your letter of the 2d instant, asking that your Company be allowed to charge Augusta rates from and after the 1st of January, 1863. I had previously authorized these rates on your unsettled accounts commencing with February. Your January accounts have been audited and paid, at Columbia rates. You say that your last settlements were made "under our protest that we should expect the Augusta rates from the 1st day of January, if allowed to other Companies." Other Companies have not been allowed Augusta rates on their January accounts. You enjoy every advantage extended to them.
   Moreover, you will at once perceive the confusion and difficulty that would ensue if old settlements are disturbed in order to add new rates upon old ones. If allowed in one instance it would have to be allowed in all, and all past transactions would be liable to be reopened. I can only give you Augusta rates from February.
A. C. Myers, Q. M. Genl.
