NA, QM 6/16B/1864

Quarter Master General's Department
Richmond, June 16th 1864
Joseph E. Brown
Governor &c
   I have delayed replying to your last until I could answer you definitely as to the payment due the W. & A. R. R. {Western & Atlantic RR} I have now the pleasure to inform you that under a decision made in another case, since the date of my last letter to you, I feel authorized to order payment of the entire balance due the R. R. in "new currency." The first course adopted was in accordance with the views of the Sect. of Treasury, which I considered at the time as binding this Dept.
   It is proper for me to add, that I fear there will be great delay in making payments for a long time, as the new issue is not yet furnished us even to the extent of money "turned in," on the first of April.
A R Lawton QMG
