NA, QM 5/13A/1863

Quartermasters Office
Decatur Ala
May 13th 1863
Brig Genl A C Myers
Q. M. Genl.
Richmond Va.
   I have the honor to enclose to you my Quarterly Returns for the 1st Quarter 1863 ***** A severe and protracted sickness rendered it impossible for me to enter on the duties of my office till late in Jan and about the 1st of March was ordered to report for duty to Brig Genl Pillow who assigned me to the duty of collecting negroes for the use of the Government in North Alabama which facts will account for the meagerness of my returns.
   My address will be Chattanooga Tenn.
I have the honor to be
Most Respectfully
Your Obedt Servant
W. D. Wood
Capt. & A. Q. M.
