NA, QM 2/14/1863

Quartermaster General's Department
Richmond, Feb. 14th 1863
Col. Wm. M. Wadley
A. A. Genl. etc
Raleigh, N. C.
   Enclosed herewith you will find a copy of a Circular which the Quarter Master General proposes to have printed and distributed for the instruction of officers of this Department who will be called on to inaugurate the new system 
By order of Q. M. Genl.
James Barron Hope
Capt. & A. A. M.


To Quartermasters

   In order that Rail Road companies may be furnished with satisfactory vouchers for the transportation of Government freights, and, at the same time, that all loss, and damage occurring may be more effectually detected and fixed upon the responsible Road, I have adopted the accompanying forms. It will be observed, that, according to these forms the vouchers for each road will consist of three parts:  The Quartermasters order, with which the manifest is connected; the certificate of delivery, and the receipt of the connecting Road; or, in the case of the last, or a single Road the receipt of the consignee, or other authorized person. But, in cases of shipments from points not supplied with a Quartermaster, as for instance of corn, hay, hides etc shipped from country neighborhoods by the seller (which transportation may be either through or local) the sample receipt of an authorized person will be sufficient. In order that this plan may be carried into operation simultaneously, in all parts of the country, I designate the 1st day of June, next, as the time when it shall be inaugurated by all Quartermasters engaged in giving transportation. These instructions, and the accompanying forms are furnished thus early in order that you may familiarize yourselves with them and have them ready for use on the appointed day. 
   Inasmuch as it is desirable that the issue of coupons by Rail Road Companies for the transportation of troops and other persons on Government service, shall be stopped, you are instructed at once to issue all such orders or tickets yourselves, either signed or stamped with your official signatures, one for each Road.
A. C. Myers, Q. M. Genl.
Richmond Feb. 14th 1863
