NA, QM 2/13A/1863

Quartermaster General's Department
Richmond, Feb 13th 1863
Edmund Fontaine Esq
President's Office
Va. Central R. R.
   Your letter of the 9th instant has been received, and its suggestions considered.
   The attention of Lieutenant Colonel Corley, Chief Quarter Master of the Army of Northern Virginia, has been called to the views you present in regard to the subject of seed oats; and Major Carrington -- who has supervision of the purchase of forage -- has instructed his officers and agents to make no impressment of oats until the new crop is gathered, unless the necessities of the service make it absolutely requisite.
   Your further suggestion that the corn stored in bags is liable to be lost by "heating," has been brought to the attention of the officers in charge, by whom every precaution will be adopted to prevent this loss.
A C Myers
Q M Genl
