NA, QM 12/21/1863

Quartermaster General's Department
Richmond, Dec 21st, 1863
Major Huston Lee
Chief QM
Charleston, S. C.
   I am instructed by the Quarter Master General to call your attention to the following extract from a letter received from Major Noble, Quarter Master, Fort Valley, Georgia, December 12th. "My attention was yesterday called to four car loads of fodder which were passing here -- the fodder was shipped from Americus, and destined fro Charleston. On examination I found that it was rotten or nearly so, and not worth the cost of transportation."
   The pressure for Rail Road Transportation is so great that transportation for long forage cannot be furnished by rail from South Western Georgia to Charleston, and the Quarter Master General directs, that you take such steps as will effectually guard against any such shipments in future. And where an agent ships forage in such condition as is described above, his conduct deserves severe censure, and argues unfitness for his position.
W. F. Alexander
Major & Asst to the Q. M. Genl.
