NA, QM 10/11A/1864

Transportation Office, C. S. A.
Quartermaster's Department
Richmond, Va., Oct. 11, 1864
Genl. A. R. Lawton
Q. M. Genl.
   Jesse Benton & J. R. Nicklin of my office are members of the Department forces, but heretofore have been excused from field duty because of the necessity of doing office work. A guard has been here this morning to take them by force. If they go the office will have to be closed, as no one else can make out tickets for soldiers, except Capt. Mayo who is now sick. I request therefore an order from the Sec of War detailing them permanently for duty in the office.
D. H. Wood
Maj. & Q. M.
{on back of document}
QMSO Octo 11 th 1864
Respectfully referred to Hon Secy of War with the recommendation that these two men be discharged from the organization for Local Defence, in order that they might remain in the Transportation office where their services are continuously needed.
A. R. Lawton
Q M Genl
Detail both for these orders.
JAS   Sey
11 Oct 64
