NA, QMSW 8/13/1863

Confederate States of America
Quarter Master Generals Department
Richmond August 13 1863
Hon James A Seddon
Secretary of War
   In reply to a call made upon Major Hutson Lee, for a receipt of monies due and unpaid to Rail Road Companies, on account of Transportation, he has furnished a report, which together with other papers on the same subject, I enclose for your inspection, and especially rfer you to the letter of Major Lee of the 9th June 1863.
   The refusal of the Secretary of the Treasury to pay bonds bearing 8 per cent interest, as the contracts of the Government require render this reference necessary, and in this connection, I beg leave to remark, that the Hon. Secretary of the Treasury, under date of March 19/62 said the "evil (non payments of interest) can be remedied if the Secretary of War will designate upon the requisition the date the bonds should bear, which he asks may be placed, either in the hands of a disbursing officer or paid direct to the claimant.
   Subsequent requisitions have been made and accounts adjusted in accordance with the suggestion above quoted. But, more recently the Treasury Department has refused to pay the interest in consequence of which the Rail Road bureau, as well as the Department, has been most earnestly appealed to for relief.
   Under the circumstances, which appear to be of peculiar hard ship, as set for this the correspondence, I most respectfully ask that you will arrive at some understanding with the Hon Secretary of the Treasury on this important subject -- the good faith of the government seems to be involved in it.
A. R. Lawton
Qr. Mr. General
