NA, NOJ&GN 6/X/1861

The Confederate States
To The New Orleans Jackson & G Northern RR
1861   Dollars Cents
June To Transportation of Three Hundred and fifteen (315) men Rank & file from New Orleans to Canton Mississippi    
  206 Miles at 206 per mile $4.12/100 each 1297 80
  13 cars, loaded with artillery guns, baggage & munitions camp equipage &c at $30.00 each 390 00
  for the Washington Battalion of Artillery Major Walton Commanding 1687 80
   I certify that the above account is correct and just, that the services were rendered as stated; and that they were necessary for the public service, & that the transportation was given on my order.
Jno. M. Galt
Capt. C. S. & A. Quartermaster
   Received at     the     of    186     Quartermaster Confederate States Army, the sum of      dollars and    cents, in full of the above account.
