NA, M&O 2/X/1864

The Confederate States
To M&O RR Co


  Dollars Cents


For unloading cars of Govmt Freight during the evacuation of Meridian & Enterprise $681 50


  Approved and Qr Mr will pay    
  By Command of    
  Maj. Genl D. H. Maury    
  Geo. G. Garner    
  Chief of Staff    


681 50
   I certify that the above account is correct and just; that the services were rendered as stated; and that they were necessary for the public service.
Henry St Paul Brg & Chf Transportation Quartermaster
   Received at Mobile Ala the 23rd of March 1864 of Major H St Paul Quartermaster C. S. Army, the sum of Six hundred and eighty one dollars and fifty cents, in full of the above account.
per H P Vass
