NA, M&C 4/2/1862

Memphis & Charleston Rail Road Office
Huntsville, Ala.
Apl. 2, 1862
A. J. Hopper
Sup't E. Div. M. & C. R. R.
Dr Sir,
   You will sell all the molasses we have on hand except about 10 Bbls. Have all the Bacon you have except about 5000 lbs shipped to La Grange. Also your stock of lard tallow & oil except enough for one months supply. Have all your steel iron wheels & axles and other supplies shipped to Memphis as rapidly as you can get the cars to do it. Employ two or three good men to scout up in Tenn. and give you correct information and whenever you get any information to justify you in believing the enemy are approaching the road ship at once all the Laths & smaller tools from the shop -- the bands &c. Take everything you can take. Keep your machinery in a condition to move every car and engine you have at a moments notice. Run them and the materials west of Corinth. should the road be cut west of Decatur. you must run it to Chattanooga or Atlanta & in this last event go and stay with it and take care of it.
Yours truly
Sam Tate
