NA, ML 5/18/1863

Macon, Ga., May 18th 1863
Col. J. Gorgas
Chief of Ordnance
Richmond, Va.
   I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 13th inst.
   The railroad cars for transportation of bricks can be prepared at the shops of the Macon & Western R. R. Co. here if only an order be given on Maj. Hunt for iron enough from the Etowah Works for axles (say for 4 cars). I am getting some brick hauled to the Laboratory grounds now, but with borrowed cars (from the S. W. R. R. Co. {South Western RR}), and I know not on what day the supply of brick may suddenly be stopped, throwing brick-layers out of employment, and involving consequent heavy loss of money or time or both.
I am Colonel,
Very Resp.
Your obt. Servt.
J. W. Mallet Capt. &c
