NA, ML 2/18/1864

Macon, Ga., Feb. 18th 1864
Col. J. Gorgas
Chief of Ordnance
Richmond, Va.
   The branch track connecting with the Macon & Western R. R. and running into the Laboratory grounds is now fully graded, and crossties have been furnished for a portion of it, enough to switch off a train from the main track.
   I am promised a sufficient amount of old R. R. iron to lay this portion by the Supt. of the M. & W. R. R., who also promises to lay the track for me. I only require a few kegs of railroad spikes. I therefore respectfully request that you will obtain for me from the Tredegar Works (as I presume that I cannot effect the object without your order) ten (10) kegs of "dog head spikes, of five-eights (5/8) of an inch square and five (5) inches long under the head, for cross-tie track" and will direct them to be sent to me by Express if no special messenger be coming to Macon.
   The laying this little piece of track will greatly facilitate the progress of my work, and will diminish the danger which now results from cars standing to unload upon the main line of R. R.
I am, Colonel, &c
J. W. Mallet, Maj.
