NA, MA 2/14/1863

C. S. Armory
Macon, Ga Feby 14th 1863
Col J. Gorgas
Chief of Ordnance
Richmond Va
   On the 12th Decr last I ordered 2500 bushels of smiths coal, of the agent of the mines in Tenn (Mr A. E. Richards) for the service of this Armory. Up to the present time I have not received one bushel, in consequence of the want of cars for transportation, as stated by Mr Richards. I have made every effort in my power to procure transportation but without success. My only alternative is now to appeal to you in the hope that you may have the power & exercise it to procure the necessary transportation. It would seem that whilst the Navy Dept. can and do obtain transportation for coal through Mr. Minor I cannot do so for a single bushel. I enclose for your information a copy of a letter I have just received from Mr. Richards on this subject and beg to add that unless I have a delivery of coal within the coming week, the work of this Armory must stop. *****
I have the honor to be Colonel
Respectfully Your obdt servt
Jas H. Burton
