NA, FAGC 3/15/1863

The Confederate States
To FA&GC RR Co   {Florida, Atlantic & Gulf Central RR}
Mar 15th For 3 days work on 2 hands on RR car for 32 Pdr Rifled Gun     $5 30 00


$30 00
   I certify that the above account is correct & just, that the services were actually rendered as stated and that they were necessary for the Public Service, rendered so by the following circumstance, viz -- required for mounting 32 pdr Rifled Gun on RR car to be used against the enemy at Jacksonville.
T E Buckman
1st Lt arty & ordnc officer
   Received of Lake City May 2?th 1863 of Capt. H. L. Routh, Asst Quartermaster C. S. Army, Thirty Dollars and --- Cents, in full of the above account.
Will O. Jeffreys
Sec & Treas
