NA, FAGC 1/21/1864

The Confederate States
To F A & G C R Road Co   {Florida, Atlantic & Gulf Central RR}






For Extra Train for Genl. Finegan Review at Camp Finegan


  Locomotive & Cars 104 miles @ $1.50 156  
  1 Passenger Car       104   "               30c 31 20
  3 Box Cars               104   "               20c 62 40
    $249 60
   Received Lake City Jany 21 1864 of Maj. H J Routh Q M Two hundred & forty nine 60/100 Dollars in full of the above account.
Wm. O. Jefferys
Sec & Treas
   I certify upon honor, that the above account is accurate and just and that the transportation was furnished as stated and was necessary for the public service.
Horatio J Routh
Major & Qr Mr
