NA, E X/X/1860

An Esposition of the Property of the Etowah Manufacturing & Mining Co., at Etowah, Cass County, Georgia, and Testimonials of its Value
Published in New York, 1860 {From the dates of various letters printed in the document, it must have been printed in the Fall of 1860)
   Seventhly -- The "Etowah Railroad" -- This railroad was built under a charter from the Legislature of Georgia, during the years 1858 and '9, and runs from Etowah Depot, on the Western & Atlantic Railroad, to the rolling mill, a distance of four miles. It sia substantially built railroad, laid with heavy iron. The trains, drawn by a locomotive engine, run twice daily, and it is in good working order. It is the outlet for all finished products of the rolling mill, furnaces and flour mill, and furnishes very great facilities for the transportation of the ore, iron products, stone coal, goods, wares and merchandise, &c. This road is the exclusive property of the Etowah Manufacturing and Mining Company, who are organized as stockholders under the charter of the Etowah Railroad.
