NA, ET&V 5/1/1864

The Confederate States
To Thomas Dodamead
1864   Dollars Cts
May 1st For services in East Tennessee & Virginia R. R. from 19th Jany to 1st May 1864 as Assistant to Ro. L. Owen Esq who was appointed Military Superintendent 2,500 00


2,500 00
   I certify that the above account is correct and just; that the services were rendered as stated; and that they were necessary for the public service.

F. W. Sims  Lt. Col.  & Quartermaster

   Received at Richd the 28 day of May 1864 of Lt. Col. A. F. Cone Ast. Quartermaster Genl., C. S. Army, the sum of twenty five hundred Dollars and --- Cents, in full of the above account.

Thos. Dodamead


A. R. Lawton

Q. M. Genl.
