NA, ENG 8/18B/1863

Engineer Bureau
18 Aug 1863
Capt. E. D. T. Myers
Engr in chge Piedmont R. R. 
Danville Va.
   Yours of the 17th inst has been received, informing the Bureau of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Piedmont R. R. Co. & of their action upon the question of the five foot gauge. I have addressed a letter to the Hon Secretary of War, representing the great importance of maintaining the five foot gauge & urgently requesting him to make, if possible, such arrangements with the Governor of North Carolina as will make you, by the temporary suspension of that clause of the charter which prescribes the manner, to continue the laying down of the wider gauge.
   Should these negotiations fail, I have still urged upon the Hon Secretary the importance of attaining in some other way, the object proposed. Another telegram has been sent to Mr. Hazlehurst pressing him to come without delay, but he has not yet presented himself at the Bureau.
Very Respectfully
A. L. Rives
Lt. Col. & Actg chf Bu
