NA, ENG 8/11B/1863

Engineer Bureau
Richmond, Va., 11 August 1863
Capt. L. P. Grant, Senior Engineer
Atlanta, Ga.
   I have to acknowledge the receipt of yours of the 4th inst., relative to the construction of works for the defense of the city of Atlanta & of the ferries on the Chattahoochee River. In regard to the system of defences I recommend to you full & free consultation with Col. Wright. The method adopted by you for the defence of the ferries on the Chattahoochee River is approved by the Bureau, as is likewise your intention to commence, so soon as the smaller works on the river are finished, the construction of a complete system of works around the city of Atlanta. To enable you to execute these proposed works, you will be supplied, on requisition, with the necessary funds. The sum of (5,000) Five thousand Dollars has been placed to the credit of Capt. J. A. Haydon, and you therefore need furnish him with no further funds.
Very Respectfully
J. F. Gilmer
Col. Engrs. & Chf Bu.
N. B. The order of work on the general defenses for Atlanta should be to occupy the favorable points in the circuit around the place, (far enough from the town to prevent the enemy from coming within bombardment distance,) by suitable detached works, closed toward the town with stockades. The intermediate spaces to be filled up afterwards by "rifle pits" or lines of "Infantry Cover." The work to be either works, with such obstructions in advance as you may find the means & teams to construct, such as abbatis, fits, felled timbers &c.
J. F. G.
