NA, ENG 7/7A/1863

Engineer Bureau
July 7th 1863
Montgomery Lynch Esq
Care of Ben Sutton, Box 1119 P. O.
Richmond, Va.
   Your letter of 23rd June, addressed to His Excellency the President, in regard to the repairs of the bridges recently destroyed in East Tennessee and offering your services has been referred to this Bureau.
   These works are being repaired rapidly, under the direction of competent engineers.
   As you allude in your letter to the fact that your application for appointment in the Engineer Corps is in my hands but has not been heard from, I deem it proper to inform you that your application has been under consideration -- and that no appointment can be offered you now.
Very Respy Your Obt Servt
J. F. Gilmer
Col Engrs & Chf of Bureau
