NA, ENG 7/4C/1864

Engineer Bureau
July 4 1864
Col. L. B. Northrup
Commissary Genl. C. S. A.
   I resp'y request that the commissary at Danville may be instructed to turn over rations for 1st Engr Regt in bulk to the Q. M. of the regiment on the requisition of the officer comd'g and that sugar & coffee to which they are entitled by order of Genl Lee may be included in the issues.
   The Eng Troops are operating on the {Richmond &} Danville {Rail} Road, near Staunton river bridge & draw their supplies from Danville. Owing to the distance of that point to the position of the regiment it is more convenient to draw their rations in bulk.
Resp'y &c
A. L. Rives
Col &c
