NA, ENG 6/9F/1863

Engineer Bureau
Richmond, June 9th, 1863
Hugh Rice Esq.
Chf Engr. & Genl. Supt. M. G. {Manassas Gap} R. Rd.
Staunton, Va.
   Your letter of the 4th inst. w/ reference to the receipt & storage of the iron and other materials, the Government has purchased of your rail road, has been received.
   A satisfactory arrangement has been made with Mr. H. D. Whitcomb of the Va. Central R. Rd. Company who consents to receive the materials into his depot at Stanton & ship them to Richmond when he can do so without interfering with the transportation of supplies for the army in the field.
Very Respectfully
J. F. Gilmer
Col. of Engrs. & Chf of Bureau
