NA, ENG 12/26B/1862

Engineer Bureau
Richmond, Decr. 26th, 1862
Lieut. Sommerfield Smith, Capt. Engr.
(Hotel?) Waynesboro, Va.
Your dispatch received. You can contract for 500 or 600 tons of Ice to be delivered on the Va. Central R. Rd. The price as agreed upon for delivery on Canal I now think too low. You can go up to two cents pr lb. {This would required about 62 to 75 car loads -- that is 4 or 5 full trains of 15 cars each.}
J. F. Gilmer
Col. & Chf Engineer Bureau
{Other documents show that the Bureau reconstructed a large ice house in Richmond and stocked it with this ice for the comfort of the patients in hospitals and the children in orphanages.}
