NA, ENG 10/31B/1863

Engineer Bureau
October 31st 1863
Geor P. Macmmurdo Esq
Ag in chg Engr Warehouse
   An order has just been sent to the Tredegar Works for twelve (12) kegs of railroad spikes to be delivered immediately. You will please receive these kegs from the Tredegar Works, deliver them at Maj. Carrington's office, and request him to send them as soon as possible, in charge of a special messenger, to Capt. R. L. Poor, Corps of Engrs care of Maj Gen S Jones, Dublin, Pulaski County, Va. {on the Virginia & Tennessee RR}
By direction of Lt Col A L Rives, Actg Chf Eng Bureau.
Thomas R Price Jr
Asst Engr
