NA, ENG 10/16B/1863

Engineer Bureau
October 16th 1863
Capt. E. T. D. Myers, Corps Engrs
In chg Piedmont RR
Danville, Va.
   Your letter of the 12th Inst. asking to be instructed how to reply to the letter of Maj. John L. Jackson, of Aucolin, has been received. I return herewith the letter in question, with the endorsement of the Hon. Secy of War for your information. The responsibility of the RR Company, in case of accident happening to impressed negroes must be determined in each case by the consideration of the accident circumstances. In the case in question, where no carelessness or neglect can apparently be implied to any one save the negro himself, there would seem to be no ground to claim damages, either from the Railroad Company, or from the Government.
Yours Very Respy
A. L. Rives
Lt Col & Actg Chr of Bu
