NA, DCF 3/29/1864

Head Quarters Dept Cape Fear
Wilmington N. C. March 29th 1864
Col. F. W. Sims
Chief of R. R. Bureau
   I have your note about the W. & W. R. R. {Wilmington & Weldon RR} I appreciate the necessity of assisting them. The drafts on my command are very heavy. I am engaged in looking up all available assistance in my power to render. In the meantime I send you a list of men employed at Roberts foundry here. I will procure information as to similar establishments. I suggest that as the greater part of these men are employed on Navy work which in no sense is of a tithe of the importance to the defence or the war as are the railroads and which on the contrary, by the time, labor, material, cost and a least in this department utter failure in results has been & is rather detrimental than otherwise that until the R. R. can be put in some order these workmen be transferred to the shops.
   I will send you further lists showing a great preponderance of mechanics working on these iron gunboats, labor in my opinion almost entirely thrown away. I can with the greatest difficulty on this account keep the arsenal & the work absolutely necessary for the armament of the forts going, and yet the latter is of importance. At this time & especially this period of the war, considering both the vital importance or transportation and the deteriorated condition of the R. R. I think it would be far better to suspend all work throughout the country on ironclads which from the experience of the past promise little for the future and turn both the labor & material upon the R. R.
Very Respectfully
W. H. C. Whiting
Maj Genl
