NA, A&F 5/26/1863

Richmond, May 26, 1863
In obedience to the requirement of the Secretary of War the undersigned presents evidence with reference to the value of Rail Road iron in May 1862.
1st The certificate of J. R. Anderson & Co. stating that in their view from 125 to 150 dollars per ton should not be considered in excess.
2d Certificate of Mr. James Dunlop showing the relative difference between Rail Road and bar iron.
3d Certificate of Major Guilliem ??? showing the price of bar iron in May 1862.
4th Certificate of C. O. Sanford Engr & Spt {Engineer & Superintendent} Petersburg R. R. concurring in the views of Mr. James Dunlop and Messers Guilliem & ??. 
5th Certificate of F. D. Bird Gen'l Superintendent of Petersburg and Lynchburg Rail Road {South Side RR} ??ing the scarcity of iron at the time and inferentially its great value.
To the Auditor
Vy Rpvy
O. M. Avery
Pres. Ala. & Fla. R. R. of Fla.  {President, Alabama & Florida (of Florida) RR}
