NA, A&F 4/24/1863

Tredegar Iron Works

Richmond, Apl 24, 1863
O. M. Avery, Esq.
Dear Sir,
   In reply to your enquiry as to the value of Rail Road iron in May 1862 we state that at that date we were neither purchasing or selling the article, consequently can give no reliable opinion of its value except by comparison with other descriptions of iron. From the 1st May 1862 till 1st October of that year, we charged the Government 7 1/2 cents per pound for bar iron. The usual difference between that description & Rail Road Iron is times of peace was as about 5 to 7. Upon this basis the price of Rails for a corresponding period would be $120 per ton of 2240 pounds. But as our prices were much below market rates, the price stated is doubtless much less than Rail Road iron would command at the time indicated, & we think from $125 to $150 should not be regarded as excessive.
Very respectfully
J. R. Anderson & Co
