NA, AIGO 4/29/1862

Adjutant and Inspector General's Office

Richmond, April 29, 1862
General Orders, No. 31
   I. Military Commanders are hereby prohibited from interfering with the transportation of Provisions in Rail Roads, except when the exigencies of the service require the exclusive use of the Cars for the transportation of Troops, Army, and munitions of War.
   II. All Agents on Rail Roads between Richmond, Va. and Jackson, Miss. will receive and forward promptly at least two trains weekly of Flour and Breadstuffs to Jackson, Miss., marked "for the Committee of Public Safety, New Orleans" and in return Shipments of Sugar and Molasses made by the Committee to Richmond, or any other place on the route, at the expense of parties making such shipments. But this order is not to interfere with the transportation of Troops or Munitions of War which in all cases will have preference, as above indicated.
By Command of the Secretary of War
S. Cooper
Adjutant and Inspector General
