LVA, TRED 11/13C/1861

Richmond Nov. 13, 1861

Capt. W. J. Ross Genl. Supt   {General Superintendent, Memphis & Charleston RR}
Memphis Ten
Dear Sir,
   We hand you herewith copy letter from Col. Fremont Supt Wilmington & Weldon Road, on the subject of through freights, by that route, including the 150 Tons Pig Metal {about 19 car loads} now on the way. We have also sent a copy of the letter to George Yonge Supt Geo RRd, Augusta, and if you can induce him and Rowland of the Georgia State Road {John Rowland, Superintendent, Western & Atlantic RR}, to take a liberal view of the whole question, it will be advantageous to our mutual interests to have a choice of routes especially as Wallace {Campbell Wallace, President, East Tennessee & Georgia RR} dont appear disposed to prorate with other roads, and even for the 200 Tons he agreed to transport for Col. Tate. We think he is disposed to make an additional charge, on the ground that other Roads afterwards declined. Owen {Robert Owen, President, Virginia & Tennessee RR} agreed to charge 4.50 per ton for all that would pass over his road, which considering the character of his road, we did not consider ??? We hope this Matter can be satisfactorily arranged & hope to hear from you soon stating particularly what charges have followed any articles sent us. If each road would collect its own proportion ????? such as better & as the roads are generally in our debt, they would be always indemnified.
Yr obt svt
J. R. Anderson & Co.
