LVA, TRED 10/10A/1861

Richmond Oct 10, 1861

Messer J. & T. Stuns
Pattoseburg Va.
   We learn that the Canal is broken & that in all probability you will not be able to ship more metal earlier than the close of the month. We wrote to beg that you will forward us some by Rail Road as early as possible if you ascertain that it cannot be gotten down the Canal at once. The defence of the Country have been greatly delayed of by our inability to get this metal. When we expected & regret that you did not ship it as fast as it was made. We hope you will ascertain as early as possible when the Canal will be opened again & if the delay is to be a serious one, do forward us by Rail Road up to 50 tons {6 or 7 car loads} without delay, if cars can be had to bring it down. Let us hear from you by return mail with facts. 
Very respectfully
J. R. Anderson & Co.
