LVA, R&P 10/26/1861

Oct 26th 1861

T. H. Wynne Esq
Supt &c   {Superintendent, Richmond & Petersburg RR}
My dear Sir,
   Mr. N. B. Hill has been here to say that the Q. M. General has authorized him to agree that if we will have the wood Mr. Whitfield has already purchased hauled he will allow the full rates and no more contracts for the purchase of wood along the line of our Road shall be made. I spoke to Mr Hill about the difficulty of delivering such a quantity of wood at our Depot and that some arrangement ought to be made for its being discharged from the cars on the Basin bank. I wish you would see Mr Hill & get him to place the above understanding in writing, and as soon as possible let us get thro our controversy with Q. M. Department by having the wood hauled. I preferred that you should confer with Mr Hill first before his putting the agreement in writing otherwise I should have suggested that to him myself.
Yours truly
Charles Ellis   {President, Richmond & Petersburg RR}
