GHS, CG 1/12/1864

{From the minutes of the Directors' Meeting of the Central (of Georgia) RR, January 12, 1864}

   The President placed before the Board a letter from the Company's General Agent at Augusta, setting forth that Col. Robert Toombs, at Augusta, on the occasion of the passage of his Regiment to Savannah, violently, and without provocation, caused the Said Agent to be arrested and detained in custody, and otherwise unlawfully interfered with the business of the Company -- using violent and blasphemous language before the men of his command and inciting them to violence against the person of the Said Agent.
   Whereupon it was resolved that the President be requested to procure from M. Selkirk a statement, on oath, before a magistrate, and the affidavit of any disinterested persons who witnessed the conduct of Col. Toombs, and that he do place such statement & affidavits before the Commanding General of the Military District embracing Augusta, in order that Col. Toombs may be called to account before a Court Martial.
   Resolved that the Said Agent M Selkirk be and he is hereby directed to proceed at Law against Col. Toombs for the Violation of his personal liberty and false imprisonment, and that he be further directed to prosecute Col. Toombs, criminally, for such false imprisonment.
