New Orleans and Jackson Railroad {New
Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern RR} |
From the late annual report,
we extract the following: |
By the Treasurer's report, the receipts from all
sources during the year ending February 28, 1861, have been,
including balance on hand |
$1,873,000.35 |
Disbursed during the same period: |
For operating the road |
$747,461.28 |
Graduation, mostly for the extension beyond
Canton |
166,297.68 |
Iron rails and fastenings on hand at depot in
New Orleans |
126,118.37 |
Locomotives, cars and tools |
152,628.90 |
Real Estate, right of way, surveying,
engineering, fencing, etc. |
34,600.74 |
Building way stations and improvements to depot
grounds, etc. |
43,508.52 |
Interest on first mortgage bonds and other
interest accounts |
213,331.09 |
Expenses, contingencies, law charges, etc. |
40,420.88 |
$1,5214,367.46 |
Balance on hand, chiefly in bills receivable for
stock subscriptions in Mississippi, and amounts to debit of
sundry agents and others |
349,241.89 |
1,873,000.35 |
We redeemed on 1st
July, 1860, after due public notice, from the lowest bidder,
fifty-nine of our first mortgage bonds for the sum of
forty-nine thousand five hundred and thirty dollars -- which
reduces the mortgage by the amount of fifty-nine thousand
dollars. |
By the General
Superintendent's report, it will be seen that the earnings of
the road during the twelve months were, from -- |
Freight |
$649,599.04 |
Passengers |
520,04.60 |
Mails |
62,400.00 |
$1,232,623.64 |
The expenses during
the same time have been -- |
For maintenance of way |
$251,109.28 |
Motive power |
212,772.80 |
Conducting transportation |
187,873.47 |
Steamers and other expenses during the overflow
of October and storm of November, 1860 |
27,327.39 |
Stock killed in Mississippi |
9,277.53 |
Maintenance of cars |
59,100.76 |
Add outstanding and unpaid bills |
28,106.66 |
$775,567.94 |
From which must be deducted the amount paid
during the present year for materials and labor for the
previous year, as per bill |
98,378.24 |
Total cost of operating the road in 1861 {should
be 1860} |
$677,180.70 |
This amount includes all the extraordinary
expenses caused by the overflow in October and storm of
November, 1860; also the repair damage from the floods of
Pearl River and Tangipahoa; also the building of three
division houses, near four miles of second track and sidings,
and five miles of fencing, which ought properly to be charged
to construction of road, leaving the net earnings |
$555,433.94 |
Or 45 per cent. of
gross earning, which will compare favorably with any road in
the country. |
The gross earnings, as shown by the report of
the year previous, during eleven months from April 1st, 1859,
to February 29th, 1860, were |
$999,510.92 |
The expenditures were |
670,065.62 |
Showing the net earnings of the road during the
eleven months ending 29th February, 1860, to have been |
$329,445.30 |
By which it will be seen that
the actual expenses for the eleven months ending February 29th, 1860
($670,065.62) were only $7,124.08 short of those for the full year
ending 28th February, 1861 ($677,189.70), while the increase in
receipts for the corresponding time was $233,112.72. |