B7, NC 12/23/1863

State of North Carolina
Executive Department
Raleigh Dec. 23d, 1863
To Hon. Jas. A. Seddon
Secy. of War
Richmond Va.
My Dear Sir,
   Some eight months since this State loaned to the Confederate Govt. some eighteen hundred bales of Cotton upon the request of Maj. Cameron, Q. M. at Wilmington to load Confederate Steamers. The Cotton was to be replaced or paid for at my option. Some time since I applied for the Cotton to be replaced -- the demand was replied to by a Capt. Archer of Genl. Whiting's staff, alleging that he had bought the Cotton and coolly offering me 20 cents per lb. and transportation, just what it cost the State sixteen months since. It was bought to meet a prospective debt abroad, which I am called upon to pay in part, and I cannot replace it for less than 80 cents per pound in South Western Ga. and, as the Government has monopolized the rail roads, I cannot in fact get the cotton at all to load my Steamer. In this dilemma I can but appeal to you, to return my Cotton. Justice and fair dealing requires this, to say nothing of the importance of keeping the Steamers running with all possible dispatch whilst Wilmington remains open.
Very Respectfully
Yr. obt. servt.
Z. B. Vance
