B3, LEE 11/12/1863

Headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia
November 12, 1863
James A. Seddon
Secretary of War
   The condition of the Virginia Central Railroad, on which we depend almost entirely for our supplies, seems to become worse every day. Col. Corley reports the frequent accidents of cars running off the track, and that the track in many places is very bad. I beg you to consult with the President and Superintendent of the road as to what measures can be taken for this repair before the winter fairly sets in. To make details from this army for the purpose in the present reduced condition of our regiments is next to impossible. I hope, however, something may be done to put it in good repair so that it may be relied on for the regular transportation of our supplies. If this cannot be done, the only alternative will be to fall back nearer to Richmond. This would leave not only the railroad, but the richest portion of the State of Virginia at the mercy of the enemy. If the Engineer Department can do the work and the railroad company cannot, I think they might set a portion of the force employed on the defences of Richmond at work at once and charge the work done to the company, to be deducted from the tolls on supplies transported to the army. It is of great importance that the work should be done while the good weather lasts.
I am sir respectfully, your obt servt
R. E. Lee
{Also recorded in OR 1/29/2/832}
