Confederate States |
Quartermaster's Department, Railroad Bureau |
Richmond, April 6th, 1864 |
Charles Ellis, Esq., Prest. R. &. P. R.
R., Richmond, Va. {President, Richmond &
Petersburg RR} |
Dear Sir, |
I am directed by the Hon.
Secretary of War, to request that you convene, at the earliest
practicable day, the Stockholders of the Railroad Company of which you
are President, and learn of them upon what terms they are willing for
the road to pass into the entire control of the Confederate States,
for so long a time as the military exigencies of the country may
demand it. |
Without proposing to give any
direction to your deliberations, I would suggest that a committee of
your number be appointed, with full powers to act, and they confer
with such officer as the government may indicate, in order that some
just and equitable terms be agreed upon, for the accomplishment of a
purpose which the government thinks is of the most extreme importance. |
It is with the greatest
reluctance that this step is proposed, and nothing but a sense of duty
has dictated it; the salvation of the army of Virginia depends on more
rapid transportation of troops and supplies, and this measure will
accomplish it. |
Your earnest and careful
attention is asked to a proposition involving so much of good will to
the country, as well as to you Company. |
I am, sir, very respectfully, yours,
&c. |
F. W. Sims, Lt. Col. &c. |