AR, R&G 6/1/1861 P

Annual Report of the Raleigh & Gaston RR
as of June 1, 1861,
President's Report
President's Report
Office of the Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Co.
Raleigh, N. C., July 4, 1861
To the Stockholders of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company
   The President and Directors hereby respectfully submit to the Stockholders of the Raleigh & Gaston Rail Road Company, their 11th Annual Report, showing the operations for the Fiscal year ending the 31st of May, 1861.
From Passengers $89,601.80
    "    Freight 147,602.40
Mail and Miscellaneous sources 10,796.90
     Total Earnings $248,001.10
Operating $119,887.18
Leaving a balance of $128,113.92
   Making the operating expenses 48 per cent., which would have been much reduced, had our receipts been such as would have accrued under ordinary circumstances. The causes of this decrease for the last four months are so manifest to every one, and so severely felt by all, I deem it unnecessary to make any explanation.
   Extraordinary Expenses for the year
New Shops and Foundry, Iron and land for Shed at Weldon


Paid interest on funded debt


   Our of the receipts for the first half year, a dividend of 4 per cent was declared, payable on 7th January last, and for the last half year the Board has declared a dividend of 3 per cent, payable on the 3rd Monday in July, 1861, and appropriated $8,000 to the Sinking Fund.
   We have been under the necessity, for some time, of reducing our expenses to the lowest possible point, and with a view to that object have discharged many valuable hands, of whose services we would have gladly availed ourselves, the same necessity compelled the suspension of nearly all of our new work on the road. The depots at Kittrells, Henderson and Franklinton, being under contract, constitutes the only exception.
   Our new shops, with the exception of the Round House, the walls of which have been covered and secured against weather, will soon be in a condition to move into, which we contemplate doing at an early day. For the present we shall be compelled to use one of our small locomotives, as the power, which will answer our purposes until we can build or buy a suitable engine, (for such purpose). Our Foundry, a work long needed, is nearly ready for casting, which will be a great saving and convenience to the company.
   The office at Raleigh, much needed and ordered to be built, at your last Annual Meeting, is now in progress. Half of the materials are on hand and paid for, and we expect to have it finished by the 1st of January 1862. Land has been purchased at Weldon for a shed; that, and the shed at Raleigh, will be put up as soon as the finances of the Company will admit.
   In pursuance of a resolution passed at a called meeting of the Stockholders, on the 4th day of October, 1860, we have procured and Act of the Legislature, which is appended to this report, authorizing our Capital Stock to be increased to $1,500,000. It is for you to say what disposition shall be made of it.
   That the Road, with its equipment, as will be seen by the Treasurer's Report, is worth more than $1,500,000 (a work which has actually cost nearly a million more than that amount) and will pay a dividend of 8 per cent on the capital thus increased, no one can doubt.
   Not being able to sell our bonds at par, we have purchased no negroes for the use of the Company. If it be desirable to do so, it would be well to remove the restriction put upon the swale of them at the called meeting alluded to, and place the entire matter in the hands of the Directors.
   Our Board of Directors, at a meeting held on the 22d day of March last, passed the following resolution:
   Resolved, That the President and Directors of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company, feel a deep interest in the construction of the Chatham Railroad, and believe the said Road will form a valuable connection, and that they will recommend to the Stockholders of the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad Company, to make a liberal subscription for the stock of said road, whenever a sufficient amount of individual subscription shall be made to ensure its completion."
   The building of that road to Raleigh, connecting with the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, will be of incalculable benefit, and ought, at the proper time to be encouraged by the Stockholders of this Company.

Iron, Track, Depot, &c.

   During the year we have laid, including sidings, about a mile of new iron, and have remaining on hand about 250 tons. We have ballasted with gravel many of our wet cuts, and put in the road over thirty thousand new Ties. We have had for some time on the road, a ditching train, and hope by the end of the year to have the road well ditched, which will enable us to go through the winter with a good track. Many culverts have been repaired; eight new ones put in. There will be some work of that kind for the next year.
   The Depots are all in good repair, except Henderson and Franklinton, where new ones are constructing 30 by 180 feet, which will be finished in a short time, and the old ones converted into depots for Guano, Lime, &c. At Kittrells a new depot and passenger shed are already completed and in use. At that point it will be necessary to erect a water and wood shed, with the buildings for the use of a section master and hands, and to enlarge the well to meet the wants of the company. Our track and equipment, are in excellent condition, as a proof of which, no accident of any note has occurred during the year. It is desirable to make the contemplated depot at Weldon a joint one, for the convenience and interest of the four roads terminating at that point.


   We have built during the year eight new box cars, at an expense of four thousand dollars, which ought properly to come under the head of Extraordinary Expenses. We have re-built nineteen, and repaired and put in good condition our entire car equipment.


   Our bridges have all been overhauled and thoroughly repaired, will need but little work during the next year.
   Much credit is due to the Superintendent and Master Machinist for their zeal, fidelity, industry and efficiency, during the year just closed. The employees generally have performed their duties with promptness, and a degree of faithfulness highly commendable, with a true regard to the interest of the Company and the convenience of the public, as well as to our entire satisfaction.
   For a more detailed statement of the affairs of the Company, and the condition of the road, we refer you to the annexed tables, the report of the Treasurer and Master Machinist, and Committee of Examination.
W. J. Hawkins
