AHC, LPG 4/20/1863

Atlanta Ga. Apr. 20th 1863
Hon. Thos. A. Walker
Presdt. Ala. & T. River R. R. Co.
Selma Ala.
Dear Sir,
   A recent dispatch from Col. J. F. Gilmer Chief of Engineer Bureau Richmond, states that the Hon. Secty. of War had decided to loan to your Co. $220,000. for the grading, masonry, bridging and furnishing cross ties of the proposed Rail Road from Blue Mountain to the Geo. State line, but without any pledge that the Govt. would furnish the iron rails for the track of said Railroad. If you desire to go on with the work, of grading &c. please advise me when you will need my certificate of work done, materials delivered &c. and I will meet you at Jacksonville or such other point on your Road as may be convenient to you.
L. P. Grant
Capt. Engrs. P. A. C. S.
